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Weekly Lawn Service

Full Service Includes: Cut, Edge, Rake Beds, Airblow Sidewalks, Driveway and Back Patio-Deck.


Spring Cleanup

Spring Cleanup Includes: Power Rake Thatch, removing all leaves, branches and other debris that have accumulated over the course of the Winter season throughout your property. First Lawn Cut and Crabgrass Prevent and Spring Fertilizer.

Fall Cleanup

Fall Cleanup Includes: Removing all leaves, branches and other debris that have accumulated over the course of the Fall season throughout your property. Last Lawn Cut and Winterlizer.

Fertilizer Program

The most important thing you can do for your lawn is to feed it. A well-fed lawn is healthier, which means it has a better root system to combat heat, cold, drought, mowing, foot traffic and other stresses. If you put your lawn on the regular feeding schedule, it will look lush and green, and your neighbors will turn green with envy.

Power Rake Thatch

Maximize the health of the turf you care for by removing the thick thatch buildup that prevents air, light, and water from reaching the root zone of that turf. 

Why Dethatch?

Thatch can keep water and air from reaching the soil and, if left untreated, can create an environment that harbors pests and diseases. Dethatching removes those layers of dead grass, roots and debris matted between the soil and the growing grass, keeping the grass greener and healthier while minimizing the chance of disease.

Lawn Core Aetation

Aeration, or core cultivation, is standard lawn care. Aerating a lawn means supplying the soil with air, usually by poking holes in the ground throughout the lawn using an aerator. It reduces soil compaction and helps control thatch in lawns while helping water and fertilizer move into the root zone. A lawn can be aerated at any time the ground is not frozen, but should not be done when it is extremely hot and dry. Heavy traffic areas will require aeration more frequently.

Aeration is most effective when actual cores or plugs of soil are pulled from the lawn. Holes should be two to three inches deep and no more than two to four inches apart. Lawns should be thoroughly watered the day before aerating so plugs can be pulled more deeply and easily. On thatchy lawns, it is important to leave the cores on the lawn, allowing them to work back into the grass. Otherwise, the cores may be removed or left on the lawn. Lawns may be fertilized and seeded immediately after aeration. There is no need to top dress lawns following aeration.

Lawns in the Northeast benefit from one or two core aerations per year -- Spring and Fall -- with Fall being the preferred time. Having adequate soil moisture present while aerating will aid in the removal of longer soil cores.

Bushes Trimmed

Proper timing is the key for the pruning and trimming of hedges, shrubs, ornamentals, and trees to maintain the health and appearance of a professionally landscaped property.


-Henry "Andy" Anderson, Owner, Andy's Lawn Service

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